Portrayed by Bill Robling
Ben Franklin, 15th of 17 children, maximized every opportunity presented to him and then he broke new ground. Pooling resources, Franklin initiated the first subscription library in the nation; gathering the leading thinkers of the day, Franklin promoted the exploration of science and humanities through scholarly research, helping to found the Philosophical Society; recognizing the need for better treatment of the sick, Franklin helped found Pennsylvania Hospital. He organized the first fire company in Philadelphia, as well as the first insurance company. Going against popular belief that fire was God’s judgment against a corrupt society, Franklin invented the lightning rod to prevent fires. Politically, his keen mind resulted in his representing several colonies in England. Returning home, Franklin was a member of the Committee of Five, drafting the Declaration of Independence. As ambassador to France, the now single Franklin was the center of attention and the successful fundraiser for the Colonial Cause. A delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Franklin continued to exert his powerful influence, and as President of Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, Franklin spoke out against slavery. As Franklin said, “Well done is better than well said.”
Invite Benjamin Franklin to your event:
• Keynote Speaker: Health & Happiness, Spirit of Invention • Mix & Mingle, Toasts, Weddings, Photo Opportunities • Educational Programs: Program with Q & A for Schools, Libraries, Museums and Historical Sites
Bill Robling: Bio Actor/Historian, Interpreter, Reenactor, Impersonator