Alice Roosevelt's Maid Portrayed by Kim Hanley
In 1905 during the Gilded Age when fashions and fortunes reached fabulous heights, President Theodore Roosevelt authorized the largest diplomatic and imperialistic mission in the History of the United States. The steamship USS Manchuria, would cross the Pacific Ocean to dock at Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, China and Korea and along for the ride was the President's daughter Alice, a media darling known for her outgoing, free-spirited behavior. Join Alice Roosevelt's maid Peggy, as she packs her mistress's trunk for the voyage home and be privy to the glamour, the politics and the gossip including an exclusive on the rumor of a budding courtship which may just end in the White house wedding of America's most eligible bachelorette.
This program is a glimpse into the world of the folks "upstairs" through the eyes of one "downstairs".
Kim Hanley: Bio of Actor/Historian, Reenactor, Interpreter, Impersonator