Confidante and Chief of Staff to George Washington, astute lawyer and co-author of the Federalist Papers, first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was a self-made man who identified as a soldier and preferred to be addressed by his military rank. There may be no documentation for Hamilton studying the sword, but we can be sure he learned to load and fire a musket in St. Croix, where he was born, as well as marching and drilling. Training to be an artillery officer, Hamilton pays for the privilege and becomes Captain of New York’s artillery during the Revolutionary War. Hamilton called for the creation of the Coast Guard, was active in the New York Society for the Manumission of Slavery, and established a firm fiscal foundation for our fledgling country.
Invite Alexander Hamilton to events for military, legal, financial and civil rights organizations:
• Educational Programs: for Schools, Libraries, Museums and Historical Sites: The Constitution Experience pairs Thomas Jefferson with Alexander Hamilton and dramatizes the conflicting ideas espoused by the two men-a 30-40 minute program plus Q & A; and Educational Seminars: Teachers’ professional improvement workshops • Keynote Speaker/Panelist: Leadership, Self-made Person, Building Consensus, the Art of the Deal • Parades: Participant • Meet & Greet, Mix & Mingle, Propose Toasts, Pose for Photo Ops
Eben Kuhns: Bio Actor/Historian, Interpreter, Reenactor, Impersonator
Alexander Hamilton (Eben Kuhns) shares inspirational thoughts about overcoming adversity and achieving the American dream.